back to articles | July 07, 2021 | Arthur Brown
Categories: Useful Automotive Information
Traffic Accidents Are A Serious Problem: How To Deal With Them
Do you know that as a driver, there are numerous rules that you should follow in case you get involved in a traffic accident? Most drivers do not know what actions to take when faced with this situation. In this article, you will read about what you are required to do after a traffic accident.

Do you know that as a driver, there are numerous rules that you should follow in case you get involved in a traffic accident? Most drivers do not know what actions to take when faced with this situation. In this article, you will read about what you are required to do after a traffic accident.
1. Stop
Avoid driving away even if the accident was minor, and stay at the scene regardless of whose fault it is. Failure to do so may attract fine or six-month imprisonment. Furthermore, if you can still drive your car, find a nearby parking space. Stay inside your car or wait outside by the road. Vehicles that were involved in the accident should stay on the road. Not unless they are interfering with the traffic.
2. Scene Protection
Turn on the hazard lights and flashers to avoid other accidents. If you do not have working lights, use a flashlight.
3. Call a lawyer
Protect your rights by getting in touch with your lawyer. They prevent the destruction of crucial evidence. Consider getting legal help even if you got injured in a drunk driving accident as some organizations offer lawyers who will take you through the whole process after the accident.
4. Involve The Police
Call the police even if there are minor injuries. The police come in handy because you could need a police report to demand help from your insurance company.
5. Give Accurate Information
Once the police get there, give an accurate record of what happened. Avoid leaving out any details because they may be of help. If you do not have some details concerning an issue, tell that to the police. Guesswork and speculation are not helpful at that moment. If you are also unsure, say you are not sure. For example, if you don't know if you are injured, say so. It is advisable to do so because the pain of injuries comes later. The police will issue every driver with a police report after gathering information. If the accident happened on a state road, ask for this report from the state police.
6. Exchange Information
Take it as your responsibility to gather information if the police do not come to the scene. Ask for the names, phone numbers, and addresses of those involved in the accident. Also, ask about the insurance of the vehicles by looking at their insurance cards. Gather information from witnesses for future references. You can use this information to get your police report.
7. Avoid Making Deals
Do not accept getting into agreements with other drivers to settle the accident. Neither give nor receive money from another to privately settle the accident. Making these deals could make you susceptible to expenses as you continue solving the issue. Opting to consult your insurance companies is the best thing to do when faced with a traffic accident.
8. Notify Your Insurance Company Notify Your Insurance Company
Inform your insurance company about the accident immediately. Endeavor to cooperate with them after reporting the accident. Inquire if you have MedPay and use it for medical cover. MedPay covers the medical expenses of all the people in the vehicle at the time of the accident. After exhausting MedPay, individuals can now use their medical cover. If you do not have insurance, consider finding more information on the best auto insurance companies to join.
9. Go to Hospital
As earlier established, you will feel pain from the accident injuries long gone after it happened. For some, it takes up to two days to start experiencing pain. Therefore, you should seek medical attention unless you are sure that you did not get injured. A minor accident could cause severe spinal cord injuries. If you blacked out, there is a possibility that you suffered head injuries that may damage your brain. Therefore, do not assume that you are not injured but let a doctor prove so.
10. Record Keeping
Keep all the accident documents in one file. Keep records of claim numbers, the person handling the claim, contacts of the people involved, and the accident's expenditure. Get into contact with a lawyer.
They will guide you in providing a statement to your insurance company. A lawyer will also advise you on how to seek compensation for your vehicle. Moreover, they will ensure that you get medical attention from the best health providers. Your injury lawyer will work under no legal fee unless they get your injury compensation.
In conclusion, accidents are unavoidable. Therefore, you need to keep this checklist to know what to do once you are involved in an accident. Follow the discussed steps to avoid panicking and future expenses.