back to articles | December 06, 2021 | Emily Brown
Categories: Useful Automotive Information
Top things to always carry in your car: tips for student drivers
Modern motorists have stopped thinking about what to have in the car in case of an emergency. There are understandable reasons for this. The equipment has become incredibly reliable and does not require maintenance for tens of thousands of kilometers, and the roads are overgrown with a developed infrastructure with numerous gas stations, service centers and all kinds of cafes.

Modern motorists have stopped thinking about what to have in the car in case of an emergency. There are understandable reasons for this. The equipment has become incredibly reliable and does not require maintenance for tens of thousands of kilometers, and the roads are overgrown with a developed infrastructure with numerous gas stations, service centers and all kinds of cafes. And yet, there is no good time to relax. In this article we will tell you what things are must-have in your car. And this emergency kit can save your life!
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Any motorist can get into an unpleasant situation. Even the most reliable car and honed driving skills do not guarantee that you will not get into an accident, not find yourself in a natural disaster zone or, ironically, break down in the most inappropriate place and at the most "right" time. Especially in the winter. This means that you must always be ready for this. To do this, we recommend that you acquire all the necessary things. We will tell you which ones exactly and why.
Digging tools
Each vehicle is equipped with a minimum set of essential tools. This is the so-called entrenching tool. It includes a hand screw, a lug wrench, a spare wheel or a tire repair kit, towing eyes (can be removable), a key for wheel locks (if any). Not a bad set, but often partially or completely useless.
A standard hand-screw is usually either inconvenient, or frankly weak, but light and small. After a few times of using it, it often breaks down. No one guarantees that it will work exactly when it is vital for you. Check its performance or, if there is even the slightest suspicion of its early breakdown, purchase a quality product and take it with you. If you have a tiltable hydraulic hand screw, select a suitable backing (for example, a piece of plank or waterproof thick plywood) for the hand screw.
A lug wrench
The handle of that very weak regular jack is usually used as a balloon wrench. After visiting a tire center or car service, you are almost guaranteed not to be able to unscrew the wheel nuts or bolts with it, and you will not be able to put on the spare wheel - the key will simply collapse or break. Unfortunately, it does not correspond to the Russian reality, in which the wheels are tightened by a pneumatic tool by eye, until they turn blue. Purchase a reinforced wheel wrench, preferably a cruciform wrench, and in addition, it is a good idea to pick up a piece of pipe to lengthen it if necessary.
Towing eyes
Keep in mind where the front and rear towing eyes are located. If they are removable, lubricate the threads on the body or tap them from time to time so that, if necessary, you can easily tow or pull the car out of snow and mud.
Towing rope
Complete your car kit with a reliable towing rope. It is best to purchase a textile product of a trusted brand with a guaranteed safety margin and good hooks. The metal towing rope is not flexible and often breaks or damages the eyes. It is a good idea to have a snatch line that is highly elastic.
Spare wheel/space-saving tyre
Always keep your spare tire or space-saving tyre. It is recommended to maintain the pressure in the spare wheel in the range of 3 atm. If initially you only have a space-saving tyre or a tire repair kit, but you drive long distances, on bad or deserted roads, get a full-size wheel - it can be placed in a regular place or put in the trunk in a special case.
Compressor and tire repair kit
It doesn't hurt to always have a powerful compressor of a proven company with you in case of damage to two or more wheels. And also replenish stocks with a tire repair kit. We do not recommend using Chinese harnesses, however, such repairs can be very useful in a hopeless situation when this is the only chance to get to a tire service or a car shop.
Jump leads
Jump leads usually come in handy during the cold season, when batteries lose capacity. When the weather is freezing, reliable jumping leads can be one of the easiest ways to start the engine using the jump-start. When choosing the leads, pay special attention to the quality of the crocodiles and insulation. The correct wires have a silicone sheath that does not tan in the cold.
Fire extinguisher
The fire extinguisher must be known to be working and stored in an easily accessible place. It is best to place it under the driver's seat and securely consolidate. A fire extinguisher stowed in the trunk, as a rule, turns out to be useless: by the time you get to it, the car will already have time to catch fire, especially if it is badly damaged in an accident. And yet, in the trunk, it also does not hurt - as a spare.
Service fluids
Put small containers with brake fluid and power steering fluid, a scale with engine oil in the trunk. It is not necessary to carry the cooling fluid - in an emergency, ordinary water can be added to the tank - this will not lead to serious consequences. The main thing is not to forget to change it at the earliest opportunity with the correct cooling fluid.
Important little things
In the event of a breakdown or an accident, such tools may not be enough to continue driving, so the following things will come in handy:
Fuse box
A blown fuse can deprive you of important vehicle functions, or even immobilize the vehicle. Purchase a set of suitable fuses of all ratings used and put it in the glove box. Such a set is worth a penny and takes up little space.
The same goes for lamps. Be sure to carry spare low beam lamps with you. Better yet, have a complete set of lamps used in your car. It is enough to have at least one inexpensive product of each type.
Now almost none of the motorists carry a set of keys with them for all occasions. However, we recommend having several sizes. First of all, pick up a key with which you can remove the terminal posts from the battery, as well as dismantle the battery itself for recharging or replacement. If possible, include at least one open-end wrench of the most common sizes in the set.
A spare alarm key fob battery
If your car is equipped with an emergency alarm or with a separate power key, purchase the appropriate batteries and put them in the glove box. They can be bought far from everywhere and not always, and there can be dire consequences.
Fuel canister and funnel
A small canister of fuel comes in handy in case there are few gas stations on your way. Of course, it needs to be supplemented with a suitable funnel.
Little things for repair
With a slight breakdown, a lot can be fixed with a simple kit: a hammer, scotch tape, soft wire, strong thin rope, two-component epoxy glue and a wd-40 can will come in handy. With such tools, ingenuity and hands "from the right place", you can restore a car even in case of serious breakdowns, and then independently continue driving to the place of repair.
A shovel, a hammer and tire iron
Those are useful for rescuing a car from mud or snow. A strong military sapper shovel is enough. There are also folding round-pointed shovels that are also available for sale. With the help of a hammer, you can chop branches or brushwood to put under the skidding wheels.
Now, let's talk about major essentials.
First-aid kit
A modern first-aid kit can be useful to you in just one case - when checking at a technical inspection. There is nothing in it except plasters, which means that it would be a good idea to fix this. After all, life often depends on it, and plasters with bandages don't seem enough. Put an antiseptic (iodine, solution of brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide solution), ammonia (a necessary remedy for unconsciousness), a hemostatic tourniquet, analgesics, as well as vital medicines that are constantly used by the driver or passengers - medicines for pressure, headaches, etc. e. Be sure to take some baking soda with you - it will neutralize the effects of battery acid accidentally caught on your skin.
During the cold season, it is vital to have a complete set of warm things in the car. If the car engine stops working or the heater breaks down, you risk freezing in several tens of minutes. Also , it is a good idea to have some old clothes with you, which will come in handy in case of emergency repairs, and cotton gloves - all this can be safely dirty or, if necessary, used to light a fire.
Personal belongings
Personal essentials include a folding knife, a good LED flashlight (does not require frequent battery changes and shines brightly) and a car charger for a cell phone. And three more things you need to know you will find here:
And finally, remember: any car ride, even the most familiar and relatively simple one, is fraught with many dangers. This primarily applies to winter conditions. Be attentive to your car and don't forget this list. It lists only the essentials. If possible, expand it with things that can really be useful to you personally, based on service conditions, the vehicle and the planned route.