back to articles | January 15, 2021 | Abby Drexler
Categories: Useful Automotive Information
Top Car Maintenance Tips for This Winter
During winter, the temperatures are not as favorable, and your vehicle may be affected differently. If you are a new car owner or just need a refresher, here are some maintenance tips that you should consider during winter.

During winter, the temperatures are not as favorable, and your vehicle may be affected differently. If you are a new car owner or just need a refresher, here are some maintenance tips that you should consider during winter.
1. The Rust Should be Managed Thorough Rinsing
Snow is dangerous since the solvents present on the driveways can consume the frame, body panels, brake lines, among other parts of the car. If you have to drive during winter, make sure your vehicle's undercarriage is well rinsed afterward. You can go to a car wash or even rinse the car at home using a garden hose. It is also advisable to wash away the salt mixtures and chemicals fast.
To ensure premature rusting doesn’t take place, you can acquire an electronic rust prevention device. The device usually sends small electric currents through the car’s frame. A special coating can also be added to prevent rusting. Some people claim that such products never make a difference; however, there are testimonials about their effectiveness.
2. The Tire Pressure Should be Checked Often
The fluctuating temperatures usually affect tire pressure. The tires can be damaged in the process. You’ll also experience lower gas mileage and poor driving control. You should crosscheck the owner’s manual for your car and make sure you have adhered to guidelines such as recommended tire pressure. Check the tires frequently to ensure everything is as it should be.
3. Changing the Tires
Ensuring that you have a particular set of tires meant explicitly for winter is advisable. You will have increased safety as you drive through the slick roadways. The tires should be changed between winter and summer. The summer tires will then get higher mileage.
4. Don’t Roll the Windows During Winter
Your car should get warm for 30 minutes or more before you can roll down the windows. When you roll the windows before the car warms up, the water present on the window seals, and the mechanical parts of the door will freeze. Other issues that may occur include having faulty temperature controls and leaky windows.
5. Replacing the Windshield Wipers
When snow appears for the first time, acquire new wiper blades that can withstand the ice storms. When a truck passes you at high speeds and splashes mud on your windscreen, the wiper blades should be able to wipe off everything at ease.
6. Carrying Out Winter Maintenance
The maintenance process entails checking the antifreeze features, flushing and filling, and ensuring the brakes are operating well. The battery should also be checked since the old batteries don’t perform well under cold temperatures.
7. Oil Change
If you want your car to operate optimally during winter, you need to ensure that the oil levels have been checked. Make sure the oil levels are not too low. The consistency comes in handy. The oil filter should also be checked; a faulty one should be replaced with immediate effect. You can use the oil recommended by the car manufacturer, depending on your car type. By adhering to such recommendations, the internal car parts will operate optimally.
8. Checking the Heaters
The heaters ensure that the low temperatures during winter won’t affect you as much. Before winter kicks in, the heaters should be checked to ensure they are not faulty. The defrosting mechanism should also be checked on the windshield to make sure that you can see the road as you drive, especially when it’s snowing.
9. The Radiator Should be Checked
The radiator should be checked, and the antifreeze levels should be at the right level. The main focus is on ensuring the liquids inside don’t freeze since they may cause the transmissions to fail. Get in touch with one of the professional mechanics within your locality so that they can check the antifreeze and radiator before winter.
When you give a car the attention it needs, it will serve you well even during winter. Make sure that you have prioritized your safety and that of the people you share the road with. Maintenance and preparation ensure that you have saved a significant sum of money. Make sure you have winterized your vehicle since it is one of the significant purchases you make. Adhere to each of the tips outlined above, and you won’t incur major issues during winter.