back to articles | July 13, 2021 | Arthur Brown
Categories: Useful Automotive Information
Been In An Accident But Not Sure What Your Next Move Should Be? Learn Here
Accidents happen, especially when we least expect them - even the most careful drivers get into accidents. The truth is that being in an accident can be one of the most shocking experiences, and it’s quite normal to feel dazed after the whole incident.

Accidents happen, especially when we least expect them - even the most careful drivers get into accidents. The truth is that being in an accident can be one of the most shocking experiences, and its quite normal to feel dazed after the whole incident. For the first few minutes after the accident, you may feel dizzy, scared, or even have a hard time believing what just happened.
But, as much as these reactions are quite normal, it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure that you do the right thing after getting into an accident.
So, what should you do after you've been in an accident? Well, you'll find out all the necessary steps you need to take to deal with the aftermath of an accident properly. Let's get right into it.
Check For Injuries
As I mentioned earlier, you may still feel stunned after the whole incident, but it is important to check yourself for injuries. There have been several cases of accident victims not realizing they've been hurt until much later. So, make sure you check yourself for any possible injury as soon as possible. If there are other people involved in the car accident, check them for injuries too. If you or anyone else is injured, call 911 to get an ambulance and police on the accident scene. Even if your injuries are minor, you should still report to the appropriate authorities, as this will come in handy if you eventually need to make a claim.
Move To Safety
After the crash, there is the possibility that your vehicles may cause congestion on the road, so if they are still operational, you should move them off the main road. You should also put out reflective emergency triangles or flares to avoid getting hit by approaching vehicles. If there's a danger of an explosion, you should make sure to get everyone away from the car accident scene.
Collect All The Necessary Information On The Scene
While the amount of information you're expected to collect at the scene of an accident varies from one state to the other, the most important thing is to ensure that you collect all the necessary information at the scene. These include:
- Name, insurance information, and phone number of the other driver
- Witness contact information
- Photos of any damage
- Police report number
- Contact details of the police officer at the scene of the accident
This information will be helpful in case you need to file a claim, especially if the car accident is not your fault.
Decide whether you want to file a claim or not
If you are the at-fault party in the car accident, then you have no right to file a claim. You might have to use your insurance to cover the damages and injuries of the other party. In this case, you will need to file a claim with your insurance company, and there's a good chance that you'll pay a deductible. Your insurance company will reach out to the other party's insurance company to sort out the whole issue.
However, if the car accident is not your fault, your PIP coverage will take care of your injuries as well as that of any other person in the car with you. Also, you can decide to file a claim for accident Injury as you'll need the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer to navigate the entire process and up your chances of winning your claim. If your vehicle is a total loss you can get approved for a new loan with
Try To Figure Out Which Insurance Coverage Applies
How the insurance claims process plays out typically depends on who the at-fault party is. If you are the at-fault party, your insurance will have to cover the other driver's expenses, damages to the other party's vehicle, and injuries.
However, if the other driver is the at-fault party, then his insurance coverage will pay for you and your passengers' expenses, damages to your vehicle, and medical bills.
So, that's about it. Let's run through the steps once again:
- Check for injuries - the earlier you spot injuries, the faster you can seek medical attention.
- Move to safety - to prevent any further injury or collision.
- Collect necessary information - this will come in handy if you need to make a claim.
- Figure out which insurance coverage applies - this will be determined by who the at-fault party is.
- Decide whether you want to file a claim - if you are not the at-fault party, then you most likely have the right to file a claim with the at-fault party's insurance company.
With these tips, you easily know what to do in case a car accident happens.